Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Let's talk about gear.

I have done posts about stuff that I've made. That's cool. Now I want to do a quick post about what I use and how I use it.

3D Printers

  • Matterhackers Pulse
    • This is the newest machine in my stable. Its whole reason for existing is to print exotic materials. Carbon fiber, glow-in-the-dark filament, wood filament, metal-infused... Any of the abrasive or unusual filaments, this thing loves to print. The Olssen ruby nozzle has an actual lab-grown ruby as a tip, ensuring that abrasive materials will not widen the opening on this thing.
  • Monoprice Maker Select Plus
    • This is the machine I use the most these days. I have performed a boat load of upgrades, including a new hot end, new Y carriage assembly, magnetic flex build plate, and on and on. This machine is the most carefully and accurately tuned of the bunch, and prints tight mechanical tolerances easily.
  • Monoprice Mini Delta
    • This was bought for the purpose of being a portable machine for the business. If ever I decide to offer same-day custom products at a craft fair or something of the sort, this thing will be ready to go. In the meantime, it's kind of just chilling. Reasons it isn't part of my daily printing: 1) build volume is very small, and, more importantly 2) it's in a different room than the rest, and I straight up forget about it often.
  • Robo 3D R1+
    • The grandpa. This thing has been an absolute workhorse. I've owned this machine since early 2017, and it's been the most reliable printer I've ever owned (there were two more before the four I currently own). In fact, it was two full years before I made a single upgrade to this machine, and that was only because I accidentally broke the thermistor, and used that as an excuse to upgrade to an E3D Lite6 hotend. That was the snowflake that triggered the avalanche, and since then, it's gotten a new bed, an LCD controller, and some cooling upgrades, along with the best webcam setup yet, and an E3D V6 hotend (the Lite6 was great, but I wanted all-metal).